Entries by admin

What is Restorative Yoga?

Restorative yoga is a practice that is all about slowing down and opening your body through passive stretching. … During the long holds of restorative yoga, however, your muscles are allowed to relax deeply. It’s a unique feeling because props, rather than your muscles, are used to support your body. What is the purpose of […]

Yoga for weight loss

Believe it or not but yoga can assist you in losing weight. Yoga is an aerobic form of exercise. There are a number of different poses, known as asanas, that are appropriate for people of all weights and levels of flexibility. Yoga brings the breath, the mind and the body on the same platform. If […]

Book Recommendation

The Karma Studio’s book recommendation for the month of September is: ‘The Seat of the Soul: An Inspiring Vision of Humanity’s Spiritual Destiny’ by Gary Zukav “Brilliantly analysing the fascinating complexities of human experience, this stimulating book offers us a unique opportunity to understand ourselves at the deepest level”

Abdominal Massage

Abdominal Massage is an intense massage focusing uniquely on the abdominal area. It is gentle and slow, done rhythmically with the breath. The treatment will conclude by curling up to one side. You are then rocked from side to side for 10 minutes, simulating the peristaltic movements of the digestive system. Emotional tension is released, the […]


“To some people surrender may have negative connotations, implying defeat, giving up, failing to rise to the challenges of life, becoming lethargic, and so on. True surrender, however, is something entirely different. It does not mean to passively put up with whatever situation you find yourself in and to do nothing about it. Nor does […]

Massage for the elderly

Today we’d like to briefly touch on massage for the elderly. Geriatric massage involves many of the same techniques applied to everybody else, although often their application is lighter and more passive. The major concern is to use good quality oil that reduces friction with the skin. Apart from the standard benefits of massage reaped […]

When you notice anxiety building…

If possible, stop what you are doing and sit down or lean against something (if you are driving, pull over and park in a safe place. If you are in company, it is sometimes appropriate to excuse yourself for a moment). Hold your breath and count to seven (don’t take a deep breath). When you […]

Sugar beware!

June is here and it’s time to bust out those good winter habits! Apart from the standard staying warm, supporting a good immune system to keep bugs away and keeping active, this month we want to draw attention to SUGAR. We all love it, but it’s one of the most dangerous things we can be […]

Book Recommendation

At The Karma Studio, we’re always reading up on new and better ways to conduct ourselves in our everyday lives. This time we’re recommending ‘Living in the Light’ by Shakti Gawain. The book “shows us a new way of life – becoming “a channel for the creative power of the universe.” The key is in […]

Let’s talk yoga during the winter time!

Winter has to be one of the hardest times to get motivated to do any sort of physical activity because it usually involves going out, emerging from our heated homes, our comfy beds, the television or our books. But the key is to get over that initial hesitation because of the cold or to overcome […]