Make wellbeing part of your routine
While the COVID-19 lockdowns were tough for most of us, one of…

Yoga plus meditation equals deep relaxation
Are you looking for a relaxation that is deeper than you ever…

Benefit from the power of the breath with yoga or meditation
Now more than ever in Australia, and particularly in Melbourne,…

Meditation classes in a COVID-19 world
For many, COVID-19 has brought increased stress and anxiety to…

Pausing To Listen
Even short 5 minute meditations can be beneficial. With great…

Does Meditation Change our Lives?
Below is some research from the iRest Institute with whom I'm…

The Power of Silence
Ever since I went to a Vipassana Buddhist Meditation course when…

Saving and Conservation through Meditation
Squirrel habits reminds us to set aside some of our most precious…