Make wellbeing part of your routine

While the COVID-19 lockdowns were tough for most of us, one of…
The name iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation may be a mouthful but the benefits are simply amazing.

Yoga plus meditation equals deep relaxation

Are you looking for a relaxation that is deeper than you ever…
Conscious breathing – which yoga therapy and mediation classes can teach you – is more powerful than you might think.

Benefit from the power of the breath with yoga or meditation

Now more than ever in Australia, and particularly in Melbourne,…

Meditation classes in a COVID-19 world

For many, COVID-19 has brought increased stress and anxiety to…

Pausing To Listen

Even short 5 minute meditations can be beneficial. With great…

Does Meditation Change our Lives?

Below is some research from the iRest Institute with whom I'm…

The Power of Silence

Ever since I went to a Vipassana Buddhist Meditation course when…

Saving and Conservation through Meditation

Squirrel habits reminds us to set aside some of our most precious…