Contemplation - Karma Studio


Well, the weather gets a little warm, amazing sunny fresh days, teasing us, then… alas it’s bitter cold again. Still there are signs of spring buds on the trees & jonquils are out in our garden. We start to emerge from the winter where we were more inward.

As a healer I meditate each morning, connecting to the cosmos, the source, God, and the many names we have an attachment to whether we acknowledge it or not. I always feel peacefully clear and balanced after being in that bliss, the light with no judgement. But of course the challenge of life is to retain that clarity and peace around the different frustrations we all face daily.

I recently came back from a retreat called ‘INTO THE HEART’ with Sacred Earth. They are a couple who play music together, chanting and supporting all of us to raise the vibration here on earth. There were 34 of us there & we meditated, chanted, danced, laughed and ate beautiful vegetarian food. We connected so deeply and easily with one another because the space had been created and there were no outside influences.

My realisation as I processed my retreat and thought of my many years of searching for balance comes from a desire to find peace; so I highly recommend all those that are looking for peace within to create the space then change a habit which is in the way of you finding peace and being tenacious. Mix with like-minded people and choose to create every day.

From Jennifer