Spiritual Counselling & Emotional Healing
Personal Harmony Values-based Coaching
Chali approaches her work with each individual client knowing that we all have within us a fragility of some sort, causing within us a discomfort that we know deep down we need to face.
Chali has, over the past 20 years, accrued a wealth of experience and credentials in natural health & therapies. Early on in practice, Chali noticed that over 90% of people coming in for treatment of physical digestive issues had an emotional element at the core of the issue. This missing link she found in Spiritual Counselling & Emotional Healing, which enables the potential for release and transformation, whether it be in the mind or emotions held tightly by the body causing illness.
Chali also offers Personal Harmony Values-based Coaching, which is both enlightening and strategic in its approach, and Parenting Coaching, which introduces a method of parenting for the child, rather than for the parent.
There is something for whatever phase you are at in your journey to heal and know yourself more deeply.
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